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VENUE// Allen Theatre, 5C Performing Arts

DIRECTOR'S NOTE // In my research prep for EVERYBODY, I stumbled upon a very small study conducted by F. Perry Wilson, MD in which he measured the electrochemistry of comatose patients in their last moments of life. While these patients had very low frequencies of consciousness, half of them showed an intense power surge at the highest gamma frequency just 300 seconds before death. Surprising to say the least. The spike occurred in the areas of the brain associated with consciousness. While we will never know what was happening, what memories were triggered, what new thoughts were formed, I approached the text, and all that the character Everybody experiences, to live in those 300 seconds.

The magic of the text is that in each scene, Branden Jacob-Jenkins is able to playfully imagine for us some of the major influences of our lives. He draws in such broad strokes which manage to ring true for each of us, furthering the universality of our human experience. And while we as individuals experience incredibly unique lives, death is the one thing that will be a part of our existences.

EVERYBODY by Branden Jacob-Jenkins

director // Fran de Leon

lighting Nita Mendoza

fight // Richard Soto

Intimacy // Chels Morgan

photo // Sarah Ziff pictured //

slide 1: Zalia Maya, Matilda Kirk, Jeffrey Pendo

slide 2: Zalia Maya

slide 3: Matilda Kirk, Fei Tangkaravakoon

slide 4: Zalia Maya

slide 5: Zalia Maya, Jeffrey Pendo

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